How to end an RDP session and return to the console (for Steam in one way or another!)

This quick script ends your current RDP session and returns your PC to the console.

I’ve needed this a couple of times now, and they were both Steam-related! (plus not wanting to walk to the remote PC all the time! 🙂

Enter this in a bath file “logoff.bat” or similar –

set MY_SESSION_ID=unknown
for /f “tokens=3-4” %%a in (‘query session %username%’) do @if “%%b”==”Active” set MY_SESSION_ID=%%a
C:\Windows\System32\tscon.exe %MY_SESSION_ID% /dest:console /v

Run that batch file as an admistrator, whilst in an RDP session, and it will end your current RDP session returning your PC to the console!

I had to walk to that PC a lot of times!!

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